Singing Guide: Count Basie Orchestra

Singing Guide: Count Basie Orchestra

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Count Basie Orchestra

The Count Basie Orchestra is one of the most popular big bands in the jazz genre. Aside from its iconic swing style, what makes the band stand out is Count Basie's unique vocal technique. His singing style is characterized by a relaxed and laid-back approach, smooth vibrato, and a deep, resonant voice. In this article, we'll explore the techniques that make his voice stand out, along with some of his best-known performances. We will also provide practical tips for using Singing Carrots resources to improve your own singing and capture the essence of the Count Basie Orchestra sound.

The Count Basie Orchestra Vocal Technique

Count Basie's singing style is often described as smooth and effortless. In addition to his resonant tone, his relaxed approach is a key to his success. Additionally, he is known for his use of vibrato - a vocal technique that adds a subtle and natural-sounding transition between notes.

A distinct aspect of Count Basie's singing style is his phrasing. He had a knack for accentuating the melody of a song by holding certain notes a bit longer than others. To replicate his style, singers should try to approach each phrase naturally and begin by listening carefully to the melody to find these accentuated notes.

Another important feature of his singing is his use of dynamics. He often sang softly at the beginning of a song and gradually built up to a powerful finish. He used this technique to project particular emotions, such as intensity or desire. To learn how to control the dynamics of your voice like Count Basie, Singing Carrots's Pitch Training program has exercises designed to help improve your dynamic range.

Songs to Showcase the Count Basie Orchestra Sound

Count Basie's signature pieces are often part of the great American songbook and still performed today. Some of his most popular songs include "Everyday I Have the Blues," "One O'Clock Jump," and "Good Morning Blues". His interpretation of these compositions always displays his heart for swing and jazz, which is what makes them perfect for Showcasing his profound vocal technique. To learn more about the history and music of Count Basie Orchestra, check Singing Carrots's Song-Book.

Practical Tips and Singing Carrots Resources

To achieve Count Basie's vocal technique, a few practices could help. One of them is listening to the most significant hits of the artist to familiarize with his soul and style. Besides that, the resources of Singing Carrots adequately curated for every part of the performance. Focus on learning more about breathing through Breath Support Article and warm-up with Farinelli Breathing. Also, we suggest employing Pitch Accuracy Test and Vocal Pitch Monitor often to control the control of the vibrato. You can also look for songs fit to your vocal range in Singing Carrots's Song-Search and Vocal Ranges of Famous Singers for development of your flexibility.

By studying the aforementioned articles and lessons and investing time in the specific exercises and techniques linked in the Videos portion, you can learn how to apply Count Basie's singular style of singing and replicate his iconic big band sound. Take these vocal tools to your practice room and you'll soon find yourself producing smooth and captivating sound – the Count Basie way!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.